Daniel Wilder

Studio Arts

Series: Synthesis
A total of seventeen paintings make up the series
Registered Copyright © Daniel Wilder 2011
 All Rights Reserved

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Das ist Das

Series: In Waves, A Neighborhood In Transition
A total of eight paintings make up the series
Registered Copyright © Daniel Wilder 2013
 All Rights Reserved

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Throughout the history of art, the discipline of painting has been confronted by many creative challenges. During the early 1860's to the late 1960's artists who sought truth in painting faced the emergence of three new challenges; to form new concepts, to imagine new styles, or to create new techniques. During my academic years I was schooled to believe that it was no longer germane for contemporary painters to pursue these principles. 

I opted to not give credence to that philosophy and eventually created the trinity of painting (a new technique, a new style, and a new concept) which I also refer to as The Manifesto Concerning Das .
